Professional Duct Cleaning Services – Prime Option or Bad Idea?

Many residents within the United States find cleaning their air ducts and vents to be unnecessary. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (EPA) even states that the average household will gather approximately 40 pounds of dust in a year. This is for dust alone and there are even other hazards that can float around inside the house that we are unable to see with the naked eye. These things include molds, pet dander, pollen, and other pollutants. Even with this reality in check, many still deem it a waste of time, money, and effort to have their HVAC systems cleaned and maintained.



It should be taken as an alarm for people to have their air ducts and vents cleaned thoroughly. Simply sticking a broom in there will not get the job done as effectively as having it completed masterfully. Therefore, professional duct cleaning services may be acquired.

Still, there are many who do think that getting such professional assistance is a waste of money. So we ask ourselves, “Is getting expert HVAC cleaning services really necessary?”

First of all, if one has no prior experience or knowledge regarding air duct and vent cleaning, then cleaning the systems with a rag or a broom will not do the trick. If a person wants to get it done thoroughly and surely, then careful research, planning, and purchasing for the right tools is required for the job. Do note that time is of the essence here as the longer it takes to study and purchase the required materials, residents within the household are more prone to allergic attacks and other illnesses due to the pollutants, dirt, pollen, and other harmful bacteria floating within indoor air.

A quick phone call is all it takes to get professional assistance from a reliable HVAC cleaning company. But the question still remains if such a company can properly assist in doing the task right. After all, they will cost money which may come from your savings or your budget. Thus, it is important to only get the services of a duct cleaning business that are reputable within the industry.

Companies such as Duct Cleaning Chicagoland will be able to assist customers with all of their duct and vent cleaning woes.

With this reality, it is therefore important to acquire professional duct cleaning services as compared to doing the task DIY (especially if you are new to the whole idea).

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Chicago Air Duct Cleaning – Add This to Your Spring Cleaning

Chicago is not called “The Windy City” for nothing; while the city is a great place to live in, there are times when you cannot help airborne elements to cause all kinds of illness. Pollen, dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold spores – you name it! Not to mention smoke and other pollution found in the air. These can cause all kinds of sicknesses like allergy and asthma attacks.

So what can you do? Stay indoors?

It is still won’t provide you with much of a solution if you stay inside your home most of the time. Did you know? According to the EPA, your home can gather about 40 pounds of dust a year. Now, you would question yourself, “Where on Earth do all this dust can come from when my home is practically locked away from the outside world?”


Even if you bar down your windows and doors, dust and other pollutants can get inside. It’s not just that they are insanely small that they can enter just about the tiniest crevice, but it is because your home literally has a “Welcome” sign for them, and you may not even take heed of that.

The answer lies in your dusty air ducts, vents, and your HVAC systems in general. So, question yourself once more, when was the last time you had your air ducts and vents inside your Chicago home cleaned and maintained? Are there areas just outside of the vents black and riddled with dust, or even molds? If so, then it is high time to call in the professionals.


When you don’t get your air ducts and vents cleaned any time soon when they’re this dirty, you and your family will be prone to a number of health risks. These can include allergy attacks, asthma attacks (for those who have them), and all sorts of skin and respiratory ailments. Immediately call in a reliable air duct cleaning company from Chicago, like that of Duct Cleaning Chicagoland.

With their professional assistance, you no longer have to waste time on learning how to effectively clean your air duct systems as they already have the knowledge to do the task masterfully. They also already have the right tools for the job so you won’t have to purchase them yourself.

If you want to get your home’s air ducts and vents cleaned as soon as possible, why not give us guys a call? You can contact us at (866) 237-3008.

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Duct Cleaning Services – The Advantage of Having Clean HVAC Systems

duct cleaning chicago

Knowing how to get your air ducts and vents cleaned is the first step to understanding the need on why you should have professional services to take a look, and clean your HVAC systems. Simply put, your home’s ducts and vents will gather a great amount of dust, dander, pollen, allergens, grime, molds, and other pollutants. These same substances will cling to other parts of the house – namely your furniture, appliances, and other valuable possessions around your home. These elements may even be considered a possible health hazard.

All of these particles can inhibit the performance of your HVAC systems. This will lead to the systems to work harder, thus giving it stress and giving you higher energy costs.


Do you want a healthier environment for your home? Do you want your house to be devoid of allergens? Of course, you do.

That is why getting professional air duct cleaning services should be at the top of your list if you want to get your HVAC systems cleaned and well-maintained. Even though it should be the first step to take to clean your ducts and vents, you would most probably think about how much it would cost you to get these systems back into perfect working order.

Just think about this – would you rather spend for these professional services and have clean indoor air to breathe, or would you rather spend on pricey medicine when you or your family members get sick from the polluted indoor air? The answer to this question is pretty much crystal clear.

You may have already noticed the main benefit of acquiring the professional assistance of a reliable air duct and vent cleaning company, and that is they can help you breathe clean indoor air once more.

You can do the task of cleaning and maintaining your HVAC systems by yourself, if this is the option you think that can save you some cash. If you don’t know what you’re about to do then better not do it as it may cause more harm than good.

Professional cleaners for HVAC systems already know how to deal with this type of situation. Plus, they already have the necessary tools to handle the task masterfully.

If you want your air ducts and vents cleaned today, you can contact a reliable duct cleaning company like Duct Cleaning Chicago Land. You can do so by picking up your phone and dialing (866) 237-3008.

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Professional Air Duct Cleaning Services and Why They Are Needed

Most residences of today contain heating, ventilating, and air condition systems. These systems (HVAC systems for short) are needed to be cleaned and maintained regularly for them to perform at their utmost efficiency. HVAC systems operate by transferring air depending on the effect that a person wants to get. For instance, indoor air can be cooled or heated depending on the settings that were applied.

For air ducts and vents to work at their best, they need to be cleaned on a regular basis. It is not only with the ducts and vents that need to be cleaned, but all the other parts of the system as well. Air terminals, fan motors, filters, heat exchange systems – all of these need to be well-maintained and cleaned thoroughly for them to run the way they should.


If a person would tackle air duct cleaning, and they do not have prior experience or training, then they will find the task to be physically and mentally exhausting. One cannot just stick a broom inside the ducts and vents then hope that the system will be okay after that. What if it doesn’t? What if there are more complex problems that are encountered? What happens if the motor doesn’t rotate properly? Why does the air still smell “funky” after it has been cleaned?

These are just some of the questions that come into mind for people who try to tackle on air duct cleaning by themselves.

Homeowners who want to take a load off of their busy schedules but still want to get their HVAC systems cleaned should just look into professional air duct cleaning services instead.

Expert air duct cleaning services, like the ones found at Duct Cleaning Chicagoland, provide professional cleaning assistance for HVAC systems. Such professionals are known to be fully-certified and have the appropriate knowledge to aid them in all kinds of nasty situations when it comes to air ducts and vents.

It is not just with expertise on the matter at hand that makes a professional, well, a professional. The technician, or even the company itself, should know how to treat their customers well at all times. This means that even when a person dials in to inquire of duct cleaning services, the company should focus their attention on how to give utmost customer satisfaction from there. Giving great services worthy of customer satisfaction should also be found even after the task has been done.

Fortunately, such a company exists! Contact Duct Cleaning Chicagoland today at (866) 237-3008 to get things started.

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Reasons to Get Air Duct Cleaning in Any Season

Air Duct Cleaning Chicago

In any home, there are a lot of indoor air pollutants. These can come from many sources including oil, gas, coal, or deteriorating products. These can give off harmful toxins that you, and your family, can breathe in. These harmful elements are proven to give problems to the body. Such agents are the causes of respiratory illnesses and allergy attacks due to repeated exposure.

To protect you and your family’s health from these indoor air pollutants, it is recommended to acquire professional air duct cleaning services regularly. Unclean ducts and vents are the most significant sources of indoor air pollution.

Your HVAC systems are not picky when it comes to getting itself dirty. As such, you should not be hesitant to contact professional air duct cleaning services when it is rightfully needed.

Here are some reasons to get your ducts and vents cleaned in any season:

– There is the suspicion of mold activity

Your HVAC system will operate for days, months, and even years. During the course of time, layers and layers of dust can accumulate within. This can cause particles to slowly deposit and decompose. With the added moisture in the air, this can create the perfect conditions for mold to produce. Experts can test for any mold activity within your home. Call certified technicians to do this task for you to have peace of mind. They can even provide you with mold extraction services if there is indeed activity of such substance within your air ducts and vents.

– You can no longer recall when you had your air ducts cleaned in the past

It may be that you have bought a new house and have never thought of getting your HVAC systems cleaned, or the last time you had your ducts and vents cleaned was so long ago that you’ve forgotten when it happened.

That being said, then it is high time that you get the aid of professionals in the air duct cleaning industry. For all you know, your HVAC systems are already in dire need of cleaning.

– Regular duct and vent cleaning can help identify any problems before they go awry

Perhaps the best reason why you should get professional air duct cleaning services is to have peace of mind knowing that the indoor air you breathe is clean. With regular cleaning, HVAC technicians will easily spot any problems beginning to form before they go out of hand.

If you are looking for professional air duct cleaning assistance, and reside within Chicago, then get in touch with Duct Cleaning Chicagoland today.

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What are the Health Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning?

Have you been coughing continuously inside your house recently? Are you getting itchy even though your home looks seemingly clean? Did you remember to have you air ducts cleaned recently?

If you answered yes to the first and/or second questions, and a no on the third, then it is probably high-time to get your ducts and vents cleaned and maintained. Leaving them with the ability to amass potential health hazards can leave you more than just a cough or an itch. Many people disregard this as a minor threat until a time comes when things can blow out of proportion.

The cleanliness of your home and indoor air is very important, thus keeping a close eye to the levels of dirt and mold on your HVAC systems is a must. Contaminants can get a hold of these systems and can also be airborne inside your home. This may be the reason for your increased coughing or itching sessions.

What are the factors involved before calling in an expert? 

First let us start with the facts: Many air duct cleaning systems, especially those old and poorly maintained, have the capacity to act as a reservoir for dust, mold, allergens, pet dander, pollen, and other pollutants. Fungi is not even an exception when your HVAC systems are poorly maintained. These contaminants will fairly do no damage to the human body, that is assuming that you or other residents of your household are not allergic.

The following are signals to look out for to help you know that the time is ripe for you to call in professionals:

  • Allergies flare up or have been developed
  • Illnesses begin to appear within residents with no obvious cause
  • Visible gathering of dust and dirt around air vents
  • Visible growth of mold around air vents
  • House begins to smell bad with no obvious reason 

Dust and pollutants gather on HVAC systems is a normal event and it does not mean that your systems are broken or in dire need of repair. However, if these occurrences are escalating in a rather quick rate, then it is a clear signal for your ducts and vents to get immediate cleaning and maintenance.

There are definite benefits to getting your air ducts and vents cleaned and well-maintained. Removal of dust and other contaminants in these systems will leave your house with a cleaner look, and most importantly you and other residents can steer clear from the hazards of airborne health hazards while inside your home.

Getting your HVAC systems cleaned will leave you with absolute peace of mind.

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